Applying the most appropriate investment solutions for each client
At FGIP we help our clients make the right investment decisions based on proper analyses of their:
- risk profile,
- income requirements,
- long-term goals,
- tax liabilities,
- estate duty liabilities, and
- liquidity requirements.
We also consider any other relevant legal requirements.
We have the expertise to structure the correct portfolio according to each investor’s needs, incorporating trust structures where and when necessary.
We provide access to a wide range of thoroughly researched and evaluated investment products, including:
- Multi-manager funds
- Private stock portfolios
- Capital growth plans (with or without guarantees)
- Income plans (with or without guarantees)
- Provident and preservation funds
- Property funds
- Unit trusts/mutual fund portfolios
- Structured funds
- Hedge funds
- Private property investments
- Money market services